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American Studies

We’re glad you’re interested in the Program in American Studies at Northwestern! There are a number of ways to learn more about the Program.

Academic Directions Fair

Before the academic year begins, we take part in the Academic Directions Fair sponsored by Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. The fair occurs before the fall term and academic year officially begin, and offers a chance to meet with representatives of all academic units in Weinberg. The event give the opportunity to meet with each department or program offering time to ask questions of faculty. 

Informational Meeting — Winter Quarter

We also have an informational meeting during winter quarter where we talk about the character and feel of the Program, and discuss practical matters such as the application process, course selection, and the senior research project. The date for this is Tuesday, February 6th 6-7pm, Seminar Room, 5th Floor Kresge Hall Room#5531.  Food will be provided. 

Meet with the Director

Prospective majors are also welcome to set up a time to speak with the Program Director, Professor Cadava, at any point throughout the academic year; please schedule an appointment with Professor Gerry Cadava by emailing Perhaps equally important, prospective majors can speak with current majors and faculty about their experiences in the Program.

Declaring the Major

Once American Studies students are accepted into the program, they will be asked to declare their major through Weinberg College, with directions at the following