Other Awards
American Studies students are frequently awarded other prizes and accolades during their years in the Program.
Maddie Brown (class of 2023) was selected at the 2023 Findlay Fellow for graduate study in the UK. Previously, Maddie was a Leopold Fellow with the History Department at Northwestern working with Prof. Sherwin Bryant on “Slavery and the lives of the enslaved in southeastern North Carolina."
Last fall Maddie is a Fellow with the Center for Civic Engagement working with the NU Votes Program. NU Votes organizes voter registration, education, and turnout efforts, and works with a variety of campus partners to support and promote election-related programming throughout the season.
Jane Clarke (Class of 2024) was awarded the Gates-Cambridge Scholarship to fund a MPhil in American Studies at Cambridge University starting in fall of 2025.
Simon Carr (Class of 2026) recently accepted a fellowship through the Buffet Institute. He will be helping Professor Zayd Dohrn produce followup content for the podcast "Mother Country Radicals" by using international news databases and domestic sources (i.e. FBI files) to compile historical material on the international footprint of the Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army, the Young Lords, and associated revolutionary militant groups.
Dori-Taylor Carter (class of 2023) Dori-Taylor Carter, a senior at Northwestern University, was selected to serve as a Victory Congressional Intern in the summer 2022 cohort. The immersive D.C. program is an initiative of the Victory Institute that aims to develop the next generation of LGBTQ public leaders. Dori-Taylor is Northwestern’s first recipient of the Victory Congressional Internship, which has brought outstanding LGBTQ undergraduate students from across the country to Washington, D.C. since 2011. Read more about Dori-Taylor's experience on Capitol Hill here.
Alex Chun (class of 2023) spent 12 weeks in Canada last summer through a research fellowship funded by Fulbright Canada and Mitacs Globalink. He worked at Lakehead University in Orillia with Dr. Sandra Jeppesen. The title of their research project is "Countermapping COVID: grassroots visualizations of data on the margins." The research project traced data imaginaries of COVID-19 activist projects: (1) conception by communities (2) production of data visualizations and textual discourses online (3) reception by social media users and commenters.
Last fall Alex has been awarded the The Council for Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) undergraduate student research fellowship awards . As a collaboration between the Asian American Studies and Latina and Latino Studies Programs to advance the interdisciplinary study of race at Northwestern, CRES supports undergraduate, graduate, and faculty fellows. The Council’s undergraduate student fellowship program seeks to generate and support interdisciplinary research that advances the study of race and Ethnic Studies scholarship at Northwestern. Alex will be part of a CRES fellows cohort; receive mentoring by CRES faculty; and present their work at a research colloquium.
Jane Clarke (class of 2024) is working with Professor Deborah Cohen on "Men on Trial" as a Leopold Fellow with the History Department. Jane was the recipient of the University-wide award for the best Undergraduate Research Grant for her work related to her American Studies Thesis in 2024.
Eva Herschowitz (class of 2023) is working with Professor Deborah Cohen on "Men on Trial," as a Leopold Fellow with the History Department.
Elliot Oppenheim (class of 2025) will be studying the differing experiences with federal law enforcement at two integrated organizations in the American South, Koinonia Farm and the Highlander Folk School. This project aims to compare the FBI files for both organizations as well as correspondences between leaders at the two organizations.
Isabel Podolsky (class of 2024) was recognized for her work with the Office of Undergraduate Research. You can read about her research of Riverside Park in New York City, her hometown and learn more about Isabel on the Student Feature Page for Undergraduate Research.
Lauren Walcott (class of 2024) was a Fellow for Raskin for Congress in Washington DC summer 2022 through the Summer Internship Grant Program at Northwestern.
This summer Lauren will be a Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University Junior Summer Institute in Public Policy and International Affairs. It is a seven week intensive graduate-level training program in policy, quantitative skills, communication skills, and leadership skills. Learn more about Lauren's Fellowship here.